RTM – Retail

Your current and prospective customers are talking, sharing, liking, and even criticizing you across various social media channels. Are you listening?

Real-Time Media Intelligence empowers brands with:

  • Instant customer response and engagement
  • Insight into competitor strengths and weaknesses
  • Influencer and detractor identification and engagement
  • Research insights for future campaigns in real time.
  • Beautiful dashboards and reports for Command Centers as well as your mobile device
  • Immediate product development insight and feedback
  • Real-time campaign insights from the world’s largest, unfiltered focus group (social media)


Brand Management

Today’s consumer uses sources on social media to make up their mind about what products they’re going to buy, even before stepping into a store or putting an item in their online shopping cart.

  • Identify buyers early in the purchase process
  • Answer questions and build relationships online in a cost-effective way
  • Capitalize on negative sentiment toward your competitors
  • Educate the consumer on the benefits of your product and services without spending millions
  • Leverage word of mouth and enable brand evangelists to market for you


Customer Support

Customers no longer want to wait on hold, or get transferred ten times before speaking to someone that can really help them. They want instant response, and human empathy, and the brands that provide that kind of support, win. RTM Intelligence empowers customer support teams with:

  • Real-time consumer engagement and instant response
  • Low cost capability to support a large number of consumers in real-time
  • Influencer and sentiment analysis to focus and prioritize response efforts


Human Resources

Social media is enabling brands to reveal their human side and develop relationships with customers, analysts, employees, and communities in amazing ways. RTM Intelligence is an effective tool for HR/Community Management by:

  • Identifying and recruiting potential new talent
  • Empowering employees to represent your brand and share your content within their networks
  • Monitoring employees’ public conversations and identify areas of concern
  • Understand what your employees’ interests are outside of work and promote their talents
  • Interact and engage with the communities your brand is located within or has an impact on